i have a gorgeous wedding and bridal portrait session to share very soon, but i hate not to update more regularly..! so! to give your eyes a little something to enjoy until then, here is a photo of possibly the world's tiniest caterpillar! i took this shot while at a newborn session with a great family. i will have to share that session sometime, because baby vaughn was quite the handsome lil dude! seriously, just wait until you see his charming eyes! i'm telling ya, he's going to snag some hearts left and right when he gets older :) during our session we took a brief moment outside towards the end of our session and look at what dad found! if you ask me, this lil guy was just waiting for us. i seriously feel like he's posing for me with that back leg extended like that. too bad he doesn't have a computer with internet to show off his gorgeous self to all his lady friends :)
i've always really adored this photo. my favorite photos tend to come from happenstance. i always seem to find curious animals and critters in nature. each time i feel like i create a bond with whomever i find in nature. even if only for a minuscule few seconds. these moments always make me truly cherish life. life is so beautiful if you just take the time to look around a little.
have lots to share with you very soon! stay tuned.

that is a really cute one. so fortunate you even saw him as tiny as he is!
can't wait to see your latest portraits!
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