awwww! hey look, it's my baby! is her face not one of the cutest faces you've ever seen? it's been pretty chilly the past few days (for houston, at least) and i've had a cold, so we've been all bundled up. i think it is just so adorable when she snuggles underneath blankets, and then looks at me with her cartoonish eyes. she just melts my little heart! her eyes have so much expression, she is the perfect model :)
i can't wait to share so many things with you guys! your eyes will be bombarded in january, especially. i'm just sayin. but i thought i'd share some photos of my pup since it's so quick and easy to share her cute little face with all of ya. other posts take a little more time away from all the editing i'm doing right now! but stay tuned, lots to see!
hope you're keeping warm!

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