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Wednesday, October 10, 2012
yo im right over here
Monday, July 16, 2012
in loving memory of grandpa risner
july 7th, a saturday morning, began as a heavy one. i woke to heart ache as i learned immediately of the passing of one of the greatest men i knew, jake's grandfather, john allen risner senior. as much as i wanted to immediately write a heart felt blog, i had a wedding to shoot that same evening, and i had to tuck all my feelings deep away so i could rock at my job like i would any other day. this past saturday we laid grandpa risner to rest, and after a weekend with jake's side of the family i am stuffed full of feelings and lots and lots of love. i'd love to tell you about a man that has impacted my life, as well as many others. though my words can never do justice to really explain the wonderfulness of any loved one, i can't help but try.
with 91 years tucked under his belt, you can imagine he lived quite a
lot of life. and that he
did. he was an active member of society, with "semper paratus" (meaning
"always ready") as a term
he lived and breathed which was adopted from his time spent with the
united states coast guard. grandpa risner proudly served our country
the second world war, and because of his time given to our country - his
memorial service ended poetically
with a 21 gun salute, and an amazing quote by one of the officers
stating, "we
wanted to let god know to get those gates open wide because we got a
sailor coming home." the quote heartily wrapped up the service in the most
perfect way. i knew if he could hear, he'd be grinning ear to ear with
the rest of us.
i always had these specific ideas of who grandpa risner was. i had gotten to know him myself, but the vision i had of who he was, was exactly true. after hearing several nearly identical testimonials, it was clear that this impression of grandpa risner was no facade, but a true representation of the guy that he was. besides being the generous, quick witted, loving, and charming man that i could easily see that he was, john allen risner senior was also an adoring, and doting husband. he loved his wife dorothy "like every woman wants to be loved" (-tiffany priska). he was a strong, influential, guiding father. he left his personality and legacy in his two amazing children, his 7 grandchildren, his 5 great grandchildren, and great great grandson. i surely can see traits from his personality in the relatives that i know personally, and i know they would all be touched to hear such a statement. so his legacy continues and i can't wait to watch it bloom in my lifetime.
upon meeting him, i instantly loved him as though my own grandfather, and he always treated me as his own family. i quickly discovered how sharp, witty, silly, generous, and loving this man was. he always had a huge grin on his face, and just seemed like the happiest guy in the whole world. being around him just made you happy, you couldn't help it. it was clear to me, and more than likely also to others touched by his life; in his mind he had it all. the perfect wife, and an amazing, loving, and strong family. all who knew him could easily see he genuinely loved life, and very much enjoyed getting to know others. one of my favorite memories of grandpa risner was sharing an impromptu breakfast prepared by grandma risner, and it's one of those memories i can remember perfectly in my mind. a memory that seemingly fell out of a movie because it was so exquisitely lovely. grandma's favorite china with toast and jam. it warmed my heart, much like the coffee warmed my insides. that morning was filled with stories from their lives together, their love story, and i'll never forget my amazement of how many stories were about the generoisty of strangers after simply meeting this dynamic pair. truly, grandpa risner was just one of the most charming, lovable people, and the same could certainly be said about grandma risner as well. how could you not love this pair? i knew i did, and i'd only met them a handful of times.
as much as i am sad to share the reality with other loved ones that grandpa risner is no longer with us, i can’t help but smile knowing that he is no longer without the love of his life. i know there is without a doubt no place he’d rather be than with his one and only. with that said, i will miss them both for the rest of my life. but know that any time i think of grandpa risner, i won’t be able to do so without a smile on my face.
i always felt a special bond to grandpa risner. he was a pisces, with
his birthday just a day before my own. i'll always hold this special
connection to him in my life, and am filled with pride that i was able
to capture his true spirit in some of my photographs. he is one of the
loveliest of men, and i feel so honored that he so quickly let me into
his life, and shared his true self with me. i found out this weekend that he himself was quite the photographer, and so now i know why he gave me that mischievous glance so often while taking his picture. i know i felt loved by him,
and i hope he knew he was loved by me. rest in peace grandpa risner. we miss you.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012
but ruby loves you
you're not sick of seeing pictures of my dog yet are you? no, no.. you
guys love ruby just as much as me. right? right. ah, excuse my lapse in
ruby-confidence. because let's be honest, how could you not love that
face? those eyes? i think it might just be impossible to not love
well, regardless of if you love or hate ruby (but they say if you
haven't got anything nice to say, you just shouldn't say anything at
all. and usually they say things like that for a reason.), sometimes
ruby gets to be my subject so i can learn new tricks. tricks that
benefit your eye balls. i know what you're thinking. unlike the old
saying, it appears you can teach an
old dog new tricks. that's what i'm here for folks. testing out old
sayings, and what not. i'm pushing the envelope and i don't care who
knows it.
by the way, i understand my dog looks
completely terrified. but i can promise you that no animals were harmed
in the making of these pictures. if anything i blinded myself during the
process, so once again this blog comes at the cost of my own suffering -
but you're worth it. you should also know that ruby totally got a
treat afterwards, so really she is just a really great actress. i'm
still waiting for the academy awards to notice...
Monday, July 9, 2012
meghans bridals

today i have one seriously (and i mean seriously) gorgeous bride to share with you, my dear reader. before your brain implodes from the ridiculous amount of good-looking-ness that is about to be unveiled to you; just know she's not just any gorgeous bride, she's meghan. she just married her high school sweetheart, brent, of eleven years (all together now: awwwwwwwwwwww!!!) and now that these two lovebirds are at long last, finally, officially hitched - i can share meghan's heart stoppingly gorgeous bridal portraits with all of you! let me note that the only reason i say with exasperation that they are finally, officially, and at long last married is... well because i am quite the impatient creature, and i selfishly wanted to show off my gorgeous new friend, and beautiful bride meghan :) i had the best time ever at their wedding on saturday night - what a fun pair, with a bunch of amazing dancers for friends. is it wrong of me to want to brag about the gorgeous people in my life? i think not. but holding onto these photos was honestly painful (did you read that meghan - PAINFUL. the things i do for my clients :)). painful only because of the extent of beauty i had to keep all to myself. before you roll your eyes, just remember... sometimes when a girl is this beautiful, the world needs to see so we can all stare in awe and in slight envy together. amirite? but in all honesty, it's kinda cool to know that i am only one of few people who got to see the bride in all her glory before the big day.
anywhoo, check out this jaw dropper of a bride below! try your best to contain your jealousy folks, but that said, i do understand that it's not going to be easy. so, best of luck: